this week - 01
Bringing in the new year. - Jan. 3, 2024
- Two peer-mentorship meetings
- Check out Open Source in Africa created by Abigail Mesrenyame Dogbe
- Planned out some goals for the future
- Projects
- Added a #ThisWeek to my blog
- Djangonaut Space meeting & website development
- Python Development
- Added Tailwind / NodeJS Build to Azure Python App Service
2023 Year in Review
Each year I inch toward my penultimate goal of being paid only to learn cool shit and build cool shit; and in that sense I'd say that I had another very good year.
- Nov. 13, 2023
For certain packages like puput or if you're creating your own, you may end up with a migrations directory inside your virtual environment with your package instead of in your app directories. I messed up so you don't have to. TLDR; use MIGRATION_MODULES = {"blog": "blog.db_migrations"}
in your settings to avoid the problems I stumbled into.
Check out my potential solution to solve it programmatically and tell me if I'm off base. 👀
- Oct. 21, 2023
Dev Containers for Python and Django (VIDEO)
Dev Containers is an open specification that allows you to isolate and share your development environment with Docker. Now that you can Dockerize your dev, your devs no longer shrug "It works on my machine."
- July 5, 2023
Python Software Foundation: Working Groups / Work Groups
An excellent way for transformative work to happen with the PSF are with Work Groups. These are member organized groups with a charter, that informs the Board on suggestions and decisions.
Read more about working groups / work groups and see my suggestions on what I think the next most impactful, new work groups should be.
- June 7, 2023